Yoga classes changed my life — they could change yours.

I joined an Avalon yoga school at least ten years ago. In those ten years, my life has changed significantly and it has changed for the better. When I started yoga I had never done yoga before. In the beginning, I felt a bit awkward, thinking I would be the only beginner in the class, but I learned quickly, the benefit of having a great yoga instructor, and I found the classes that worked for me. Over the years I learned about the different kinds of yoga, the studio that I go to offers several different kinds of yoga, and I also learned about the meaning of yoga. I know that at the end of a yoga class I would always walk home, lucky that I can walk to and from yoga, and would think about how good I felt, both my body and my mind. I am not a perfect yogi by any means, and I do not go to yoga daily, but over the last ten years it has become my practice. And it really has changed my life.
Yoga for life
I feel that my yoga classes have really given meaning to my life. I know it is just an hour and a half three times a week, that is how often I usually go, where I switch off my phone and focus only on my breathing and my body. And I know it is just five minutes at the end of each session where I lie on my back and do a group meditation. But these moments have become so precious to me and I love them so much. Yoga really is, for me, an exercise form for life. It has taught me mindfulness, serenity, peace of mind and also, given me an incredibly strong body. My Avalon yoga school is something I am eternally grateful for.